Bristol Hotel Về chúng tôi đọc thêm
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1 Đêm Được
RafiqueMultan Multan
4 /5

We stayed three nights at Bristol Hotel, Amman. Our stay remained comfortable. The staff was friendly and took great care of each of us. Having a meal...

luke :] Singapore
5 /5

hi bristol hotel! thank you so much for the excellent accomodation and the lovely atmosphere. despite only staying for only a day from 8-9 december 2022,...

5 /5

This is the fist time that I stayed in Bristol Hotel and the stay was excellent, from the moment I entered the hotel to the moment I checked out, all the...

Khaled Palestinian Territory
9 /10

Very limited choices

Ahmed Youssry
4 /5

I stayed there as a day use due to My transit flight and having over than 14 hours. I chosen it for the price while in those few hours, I enjoyed the food...

Jaafar Saudi Arabia
10 /10

Very kind Staff, room size and cleaneness. Breakfast was amazing, private parking for cars.

Frank United States
9 /10

Great service clean

Assad Israel
10 /10

The hotel is located in a very central area close to everything and at the same time the area is relatively quiet. Right near the hotel’s entrance there...

Issam A Petra - Wadi Musa
5 /5

I stayed one night and I found that clean hotel and proffissional staff. The breakfast need improved but the service was excellent.
On the past I stayed...

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liên hệ

Bristol Hotel
Abdelrahim Allawi Street, 5th Circle behind Arab Medical Center, Abdoun, 11183 Amman, Jordan

Di động :  +962 79 811 1566
Số điện thoại :  +962 6 592 3400
Fax :  +962 6 592 3717
Whatsapp :  +962 79 811 1566

Kinh độ = 35.87621927 Vĩ độ = 31.95870274


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